The Habitat Team is wishing you the BEST in 2019:

Let this coming year be filled with our robust conservation goals met, founded in science, and contentment that we are doing all we can to create knowledge to enhance, maintain and value earth’s natural habitats and their biodiversity through time. Sincerely, The Habitat Team

South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Project Funded for $177 million

THI’s scientific methodology Combined Habitat Assessment Protocols (CHAP) drives Congress to award $177 million to address sea-rise for our South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Project THI’s wildlife habitat assessment of the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline study evaluated 173 polygons. Baseline conditions that consisted of 16 different habitat types were determined to describe the 6,674 acres (2,700 ha) site. The …

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ECO-PCX – Recommends CHAP for 5TH Approval in California.

Scientific Federal Panel for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ECO-PCX Recommends CHAP for 5TH Approval – Prado Basin, California. The Habitat Institute (THI) implemented Combined Habitat Assessment Protocols (CHAP) for this federal approval and recommendation in Prado Basin project, which is located near Chino Hills, California. This habitat assessment area includes a portion of the Santa Ana River, and was …

Scops Owl Monitoring

  Scops Owl – June 2018 The Habitat Institute is excited to support The Global Owl Project (GLOW) for obtaining 30 GPS tags for observing and checking the progress on Scops owls in Europe. These Lotex PinPoint50 Swift GPS tags weigh only 2.7 grams. GLOW is a wonderful Worldwide project initiative program working towards conservation for the world’s owls. GLOW’s …

SOUL VIBES feat. Sol Tribe a Benefit Event for The Habitat Institute

MAY 11TH | Santa Cruz, California USA | Sol Tribe Please Join Us for SOUL VIBES a benefit event for The Habitat Institute Sol Tribe will be making a surprise appearance on their Spring Tour in Santa Cruz, California for this event. We are hoping you too will join our community of fellow artist and get behind this cause. Our …

Tribute to Capt. Paul Ashley

We recently became aware that on September 6TH, 2017, a mentor, beloved colleague and our dear friend, Paul Ashley passed away after a quarter century battle with heart disease. Paul worked tirelessly for wildlife and their habitats for over 40 years. He was employed with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for 30 years, and the Columbia Basin Fish …

Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers (OFWIM)

The Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers (OFWIM) is a international nonprofit group. Formally established in 1993 was cofounded by The Habitat Institute’s Director and Chief Ecologist Mr. O’Neill. He was OFWIM’s second President. OFWIM’s Mission: To promote the management and conservation of natural resources by facilitating technology and information exchange among managers of fish and wildlife information. OFWIM’s …

Happy New Year!

  The Habitat Institute is dedicated to addressing our nation’s most serious environmental issues. By building ecological health indicator metric(s) implemented at the state and federal level for conservation strategies, ecosystem restoration, advanced mitigation, and regulatory ecosystem management. ECOLOGY WILL LEAD THE WAY 2018